[dear youtube] for the tax payment inspection, your feedback is my name does not match the account name. here is the thing.
1. ASMRキリスト教会(asmr christ church) is one project of SuganoWorks Inc., 株式会社スガノワークス
2. The owner of ASMRキリスト教会(asmr christ church), as well as SuganoWorks Inc., is Kei Sugano(菅野契)
3. Here is the article: https://www.kirishin.com/2024/05/19/6...
4. Here is another proof (our corporate official site: https://sugano.works/blog/)
We hope this information provided above can help you verify my identity and consistency with the corporate/project name. Once again, asmr christ church is a "project" of SuganoWorks, which CEO is Kei Sugano. Thank you.
Thanks so much for unsuspending our youtube account.
Plus, we got the verification code to our address.
Even though the Christianity is minority in our country, since Japanese Gen-Z is going through hardship and since some of them commit suicidal attempts, we would like to stop these and provide them with the cure and the meaning of life.
I am a CEO of SuganoWorks Inc., and responsible for the entire asmr church content.
I think your review is not making sense at all, for the following reasons:
1. You can easily tell, from the content of our videos it is not a scam. This company and project is trying to save young people (especially who are isolated and mentally struggling) and provide solution.
2. Since it is owned by micro startup and we mainly focused on creating video contents, it is obvious that the website is not well organised. Plus, it is not clear why you require website to earn from the video. (we need to earn from video, not from the websites)
3. The last time i registered suganoworks.blogspot.com from scratch is because you did not clarify which posts violates which policy on which accord. It simply does not make sense. I do not use bot to post and create article for this blog. If you think any blog post is low quality then you need to articulate and explain why it violates the standard.
4. From the feedback i have impression that you are too unkind. It is obvious we are not providing any scam. Of course some article summarize the church's blogpost using LLM, but on each post I never forgot to add the reference, such that it is respectful to the entity refered.
5. If this church does lose the opportunity to earn, it affects our activity to save young people and children. Recently our church launched "ASMR Lifeline いのちのASMR電話" and this activity needs funding. You block it and you are not explanatory on the reason of the violation. I think it is not good idea to discriminate against small entity like us, since if you approve monetization of our company it definitely can save young people, not only in Japan, but globally, by providing more opportunity for young people to know the teaching of Bible.
6. I clicked for address verification code, but as of now I get nothing.
いっぽう、すきさんの感じる「違和感」というのは本質を穿っているところがあって、これは既存の教会そのもののもつ「閉鎖性」「身内ノリ」をある意味で体現している。その身内ノリが「滲み出てしまっている」、それが「イエス様」という言葉に詰まっているような気もするのだ。なのでわしとしては「Oh! Good Question」的な発見があったことも事実だ。
さて、今日は特別なお話があるんだ。昔、あるおぢ👴がこう言ったんだよ。「Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die.」ってね。ちょっと怖いけど、このお話には大切な教えがあるんだよ〜。このおぢ👴、イニーゴはね、ずっとお父さんの仇を探してたんだ。でもね、イエスたまは「テイカーおぢを許しなさい。」(マタイ6:14)って教えてくれたんだ。だから、私たちも許す心を持とうね〜。おぢきも〜eきゃはは❤️
かみたまのやさしさはすごく大事だって、ポープフランシスも言ってるんだよ〜。「miserando atque eligendo」っていうラテン語で、「あわれんで、そして選んだ」って意味だよ〜。イエスたまはね、税金を集めてたマタイを見て、あわれんで弟子にしたんだよ〜。だから、イエスたまの目はやさしさでいっぱいなんだよ〜。